Julie Wittrup
With an aesthetic mindset, a creative mind and the love of using her hands, Julie Wittrup has created a beautiful home, to say the least, in old
framework. After a house renovation, the family is in place in a colorful universe dressed in muted pastels and with a personal touch between new and old.

"There is room here to dream, to play and to knit a lot"
Julie is good with her hands and knits a lot. Here, too, she uses colors together crosswise, but always with a mild cream in the color spectrum. She does the same in the home.
The house's floors are painted in ``White Mulberry'', the kitchen walls in
``Rome''. The two mild cream colors complement each other incredibly beautifully.
Lavender Blush
A little ceiling sky in `Lavendel Blush, when you enter the house's small entrance. Walls in ``Rome''.

And even though it's blue, the ceiling is high. Life must be playful for little children.
Adventure, Olive Sand & Summer
Julie uses several colors together and still manages to create an aesthetic look. Like here in Vanilla's room, with walls in ` Eventyr ', cupboard doors painted in ' Olive Sand ' and floor in ` Summer '. A gentle trilogy of pink, green and yellow. In the entrance hall, a look at the soft Dot Berber carpet.

"I dreamed of the perfect blue. I found ``Sky Blue''. Almost heavenly"

Walls painted in ` Rome `, panels and floor painted in ` White Mulberry ` and stairs in ` Sky Blue `.

Julie loves to find old things and upcycle, like the table here made from an old, round marble slab and a pipe simply painted in ` Bubblegum` .
The curtains create synergy with the table's pink base and also dress the light floors in ` White Mulberry '.